Exclusive Coupon Code
For exclusive coupon codes, Tickcoupon.com has teamed up with vendors or third-party vendors to offer exclusive coupon codes for almost products and services. To use an exclusive coupon code, you just need to click to “Get Coupon”. Then, a new browser tab will be shown up for the payment page (make sure you don’t block the popup option on your browser). You will see the discount and discounted price. After all, check your selected product/service again, and enter your payment information to place an order.
Sitewide Coupon Code
To use the sitewide coupon code, please click to “Get Coupon” at first to unveil the coupon code and copy it. At the checkout page, you will see the coupon code box. Enter the coupon code and apply. The price of the product/service will be reduced.
Deals/ Offers
For deals, promotions, offers, or gifts provided by Tickcoupon.com, they don’t require any coupon code. All you need to do is to click to “Get Deal”. Then, you will be led to the promotion page/checkout page with available discounted prices.