Get CintaNotes PRO Promo License
If you need a software which helps you to take note quickly and conveniently and more, you need CintaNotes PRO. This is is a must-have application for taking and managing for Microsoft Windows. The good news is that you can get CintaNotes PRO promo license for free now.
CintaNotes PRO features:
- Take notes quickly and convenientlyTake notes quickly and conveniently
- Clip text from anywhere on hotkeyClip text from anywhere on hotkey
- Find as fast as you can typeFind as fast as you can type
- Effortlessly tag and organizeEffortlessly tag and organize
- Read and edit on your mobile deviceRead and edit on your mobile device
- Works online and offline
How to get CintaNotes PRO Promo License?
CintaNotes is giving a great opportunity for everyone to get free license key for CintaNotes PRO, make sure you take the following steps:
2. Enter Your first name, last name, and email. Next, click to “Get License”.
3. Check email to retreive free key.
This promo license is only valid for current CintaNotes version (no free updates and no free technical support)