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There is little information on ASCOMP Software GmbH, but BackUp Maker and Synchredible are two of ASCOMP Software GmbH’s well-known and award-winning backup products. In addition, the firm provides some utilities supporting the Windows platform such as Secure Eraser, Image Former, Cleaning Suite, PDF Conversa, Secure PDF, Text-R, and F-Rename. There are reasons for the company’s reputable Backup Maker. First, many users appreciate the fact that the app is completely free for private purposes. Regarding the Professional Edition, there are 40 advanced features, such as archive bit backup, burning backups onto CD/DVD, automatic backup, time backup, protocol, commercial use, and technical support, allowing you to create data backup most efficiently. Moreover, BackUp Maker uses highly secure encryption of up to 256 bits to ensure that your important data is kept safe at all times. You may also use an FTP/FTPS upload to transmit protected backups to a site.
Why choose Ascomp Software: Their programs are updated regularly by the program publisher. Next, the interface style is unique and clear, and you will be guided step-by-step. You can jump to the previous step anytime and change settings. Especially, all the apps have various versions, which are suitable for different audiences: free trial, free version, standard version, and professional version. Therefore, you do not have to pay extra money for unnecessary features. Order with our great list of ASCOMP coupon codes right here to enjoy up to 51% discount on PDF Conversa, Synchredible, Secure Eraser, BackUp Maker, etc. Verified! Limited time offers end soon!